Sunday, August 29, 2010

Episode 42 : Rules Baby, Rules...

Episode 42 : Rules Baby, Rules...

Show notes:
  1. Sponsorship : Tales of Battle, Gryfalia's Aerie, Capital City Games and Tom McCluer
  2. News/Rumors : AB Scenarios, GW Realm of Battle Giveaway, Skaven 2nd Wave, 8th Ed. WHFB Core Book Giveaway
  3. Feature : Rules Baby, Rules
This Episode is brought to you by our Sponsors: Tales of Battle, Gryfalia's Aerie and Capital City Games!; we are also singularly sponsored by Tom McCluer. We talk about our weeks naturally, which were pretty blank as we've hit a lull lately. A little bit of News and Rumors leads to a discussion on the 1st Round 'Ard Boy'z Scenarios, a talk of GW giving away one of their Realm of Battle Gameboards, some 2nd wave Skaven talk and finally we end the 1st part of the show with an announcement that were running a contest for a free copy of the new WHFB 8th Edition Hardback book.

The feature segment brings you an in-depth look at some of the newer rules that 8th edition has brought into the game and how they are to be used. We discuss the new rules of Steadfast and Stomp/Thunderstomp. We go through how they are used, and how we think they ought to be. Hopefully as the next few episodes will be covering these rules you listeners will find it useful and informative.

Please if you enjoy the show leave comments on the blog; if you have I-Tunes please leave I-Tunes Reviews. Any questions, comments, suggestions e-mail us at; you can also call and leave voicemails at 1-217-883-4598 or username: waaaghcast on Skype. As always Thanks for listening!!!!

Also were still trying some new things as far as Audio Quality goes. Please write in and let us know which you preferred as far as quality is concerned, Episode 41 or Episode 42. Thanks!

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Episode Length 1hr 23min 37sec

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Episode 41 : An Episode of Infamy

Episode 41 : An Episode of Infamy

Show notes:
  1. Sponsorship : Tales of Battle, Gryfalia's Aerie, Miel Vermeulen
  2. News/Rumors : Demons, Island of Blood, WH Starter Paint Set, O&G Rumors, New High Elf Boxes, Black Library Novels, 8th Edition Army Builder Files
  3. Feature : The Wives of Infamy
This Episode is brought to you by our regular Sponsors: Tales of Battle and Gryfalia's Aerie; and singularly by Miel Vermeulen who wanted to shout out that Wisconson is going to beat Illinois this year in the IL. Vs. WI yearly challenge! We discuss a fair amount of news and a little bit of rumor. The last of the Demons preparing to release, and the Island of Blood Pre-Order! The re-release of the WH Starter Paint set, and finally finish this section off with some rumors of O&G incoming and 2nd wave High Elf plastics. Lastly a couple novels from Black Library and the realization that the 8th Edition Army Builder files are finally up for download.

For our feature segment we bring on some guests who we never expected to convince to be on the show.
The infamous wives! Sadly, balancing 4 microphones is difficult so the voices kind of go in and out a lot. Particularly mine since I have headphones on I can't tell how loud my own voice is. This time, it was kind of light. Still... We thought that we would really break up the usual show with some discussion topics that may not apply to the game in general but more with how on earth those of us with wifes/girlfriends/significant others manage to get hobby and gaming in and what our wives think of it. We answer a lot of questions that were submitted just by users so this is all things that you listeners wanted to ask them. We appreciate the questions that you sent in and you should send some supportive e-mail for the wives to let them know that you enjoyed listening to them.

Please if you enjoy the show leave comments on the blog; if you have I-Tunes please leave I-Tunes Reviews. Any questions, comments, suggestions e-mail us at; you can also call and leave voicemails at 1-217-883-4598 or username: waaaghcast on Skype. As always Thanks for listening!!!!

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Episode Length 1hr 33min 09sec

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Episode 40 : 'Ard Ramblings...

Episode 40 : 'Ard Ramblings...

Show notes:
  1. Sponsorship : Tales of Battle, Gryfalia's Aerie, Christian Taylor
  2. News/Rumors : Isle of Blood, Tale of Two Gamers, BRB FAQ, AB 3.3 Update
  3. Feature : 'Ard Boy'z Thoughts on Dwarfs, VC, and some rambling...
This Episode has a couple things changed. One we've attempted to bring Chucks loud voice down into level with my own. I know, two years; I guess we could finally work on that issue huh. We go over our weeks in the hobby, mostly gaming 8th edition and looking at new lists. We discuss the Isle of Blood Contents and what we think of the models; the Tale of Two Gamers blog on the GW; the BRB FAQ that GW released just last week and finally Lone Wolf's announcement of the Army Builder 3.3 Patch.

For our main topic we start out discussing what we feel 'Ard Boy'z will be like with 8th edition and what we think we'll see at the tournaments. This leads to us discussing what we plan on fielding and how we plan on countering things and very quickly falls apart to our rambling about our armies and the way we think they are or are not effective in 8th edition. Hopefully some people will find something interesting here.

Please if you enjoy the show leave comments on the blog; if you have I-Tunes please leave I-Tunes Reviews. Any questions, comments, suggestions e-mail us at; you can also call and leave voicemails at 1-217-883-4598 or username: waaaghcast on Skype. As always Thanks for listening!!!!

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Episode Length 1hr 18min 54sec